Meet Our Production Manager, Shannon!

We love getting to know our customers personally, at shows like CWCBExpo and NECANN Boston or through our always-on live chat feature online. It’s high time we share more about the people that make The Healing Rose possible. Shannon Fahey is Production Manager at The Healing Rose, and if you’ve ever caught up with our team on the road, you’ll recognize her bright personality and eye for product.

Shannon will soon be celebrating four years with The Healing Rose, where she has worked a variety of positions to ensure your products are made with care each and every step of the way. After visiting customers in New York City at CWCBExpo, we sat down with Shannon to talk about the product, the CBD industry, and her time at the company.

Below, learn more about our products from someone who spends every day with them. The conversation has been lightly edited for length and clarity. 

What led you to The Healing Rose?

I originally got my start in CBD at another company. They shut down, but I really like working with CBD because I have stomach issues. I use a lot of CBD and cannabis, and exploring the CBD side of the industry along with other cannabinoids was super interesting to me. When I saw a job open up here, I instantly applied.

I ended up not getting the job the first time around, but I said: “I’m going to try it again.”

It will be four years in September, now. I started in 2020, right when the COVID restrictions started to lift a little bit and we were able to go back to work, but I still didn’t see everybody’s full faces for at least six months. 

What was your role when you started?

I was actually in the production line. I wasn’t making any of the products yet, but I was working on them. One of my past coworkers trained me to make our products. Like everyone who works here, he was a really good teacher.

What’s your favorite part of working at The Healing Rose?

We all wear a lot of hats here, so being able to do literally anything we need to is nice. 

It’s good to be versatile, but I love making the product and knowing we made this. Knowing exactly what went into it, and exactly how it happened.

It’s nice to know that we really make our products. It’s not a machine. I’ve seen the product go from ingredients to people using it, and that’s really cool.

What Healing Rose product is your favorite?

I like to use the CBG+CBD Oil a lot. It helps me with my stomach– with the pain and inflammation.

Those aren’t my favorite products to make, though. That would be our massage oils. They just smell so good. Those and our bath soaks.

What does a day in the life of a Production Manager look like?

At the beginning of the week, I come up with the schedule for the week. When I come in each day, I check to see what orders came in overnight and see exactly what needs to be made. It’s always busy because we’re responding to orders as they come in.

Then it’s scrubs time, and we get in there together to start production. We make sure all the numbers are correct; we pull all the lab tests. 

Depending on what we make, we cap it or seal it at the end of the day and clean everything up. It’s important to get things ready for the next day – to help ourselves out. 

It’s a new challenge every day, and that keeps things interesting. It’s never the same order the next day.

What upcoming projects are you excited about?

We’re involved in a clinical trial right now exploring how we can help people with lower pelvic pain, with colitis, with endometriosis. I’m excited about that, and about getting into the actual science behind it. 

Laura and Zach have also teamed up with BadaBloom, where we’ll be exploring collaborations for THC cannabis products in the future. I’m really excited about that, because it’s a huge space.

And lastly, we’re going to be dropping our face oil very soon. We’ve experimented with a bunch of different formulations – different ingredients. We’ve all been very excited to test it, and are all very much willing and happy guinea pigs when it comes to trying new products. 

What’s the most exciting part of the work for you?

In my early work life, I was working for a plus size store where I got to help people feel better about themselves, and be happy mentally. I loved that. At The Healing Rose, we’re able to help people, too. 

Being a woman in the cannabis space is really exciting right now, and there’s a lot of positivity about being women working in cannabis. We’re a very close knit team. My coworkers are awesome, and I love that. 

We work together really well. We’re always bouncing ideas and questions off of each other, and we make sure everything gets done well. I love making everything as perfect as it can be. That keeps me excited to come in every day.

Is there anything you would like people to know more about CBD?

CBD is not just an ugly cousin of THC! It can do a lot for you. Everyone has an endocannabinoid system: these cannabinoids do great work in your body. If you have paid, or medical issues they may help relieve some of those symptoms.

Not everyone wants to get high, and we want to make sure everyone can still get the benefits the cannabis plant can give to them. Mental health; physical relief. CBD is a powerful alternative.

Do you have a favorite story from your time at The Healing Rose?

I think it actually happened at the CWCB Expo in New York this month. There was a woman there who had been hospitalized with some medical issues and she told us that she had kept a The Healing Rose sticker on the wall that her friend had given her. She came to the Expo this year and saw us and got so emotional. It was so rewarding to see that we had helped her through that time.

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